Are you interested in a church where you won’t be lost in a crowd? Liberty United Methodist Church is a warm and welcoming congregation and we love visitors and friends!

Liberty UMC is located on the northwest corner of W. US Highway 85 (commonly known as W. Hwy MC85) and Liberty School Road. Our physical address is 19900 W. US Hwy, Buckeye, AZ 85326-9586 (Map Us Here). The church is located immediately west of the historic Liberty School, and we share parking with the school campus on Sundays!

If it’s your first visit to Liberty UMC consider arriving about 9:30-9:40 AM for 10 AM worship. We would like to have time to greet you, introduce you to one or two of our congregation and provide an information brochure, visitor care and name tag for every visitor.

You’ll notice right away how friendly our congregation can be … before the service begins people will be milling around in the sanctuary, greeting one another AND YOU! There will also be a short period for announcements, along with any birthday, anniversary or other celebrations for the week before the pastor calls us to worship.

Need the ‘facilities’ before finding a seat? When the church was constructed in 1910 there was no running water or plumbing in the original building! Restrooms are located in a separate building, the 1948-49 Memorial Hall. Follow the sidewalk outside the sanctuary to the Hall, restrooms are in the back, left corner.

Morning worship services begin at 10 AM with the ringing of the church bell and order of service is provided in the Bulletin you receive at the door.

Following the Young Person / Children’s Moment during the service all children and youth are invited to join in Youth Study / Children’s Sunday School or be checked into the adjoining nursery. For children under the age of 6 we would like a parent/responsible party to check each child in / out of Sunday School or childcare. We follow safe sanctuary practices with two adults in the classroom wing during Sunday services.

After worship please join us in Memorial Hall for fellowship and refreshments. We look forward to getting to know you a bit better. If it’s the first Sunday of the month you’re in for a real treat, first Sundays are POTLUCK and you are invited!

Still have questions, concerns, need additional specific information? Please give us a call, 602-525-2265. If you reach the voicemail do leave a message and we’ll get right back to you. You can also reach out through the contact us link on the home page or a message to our Social Media Coordinator for more information by email:

Interested in learning more about historic Liberty United Methodist Church? Jump over to Historic Liberty UMC right here or click here to return to the Home page.