“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,…”
Hebrews 6:19, NIV
The eighth window in the design series for new windows at Liberty UMC, is complete.

The upper nine panels, completing the upper arched portion of the window with the distinctive cross arm, were installed first. The lower three, larger panels were the final part of the installation. Thank you to everyone who helped with the newest addition to the beautiful window project!
The cross beam intersection, featured in the upper arch portion, includes an anchor, returning our attention to the inspiration verse from Hebrews; Our Lord and Savior is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.

Titled “Children Are a Heritage From The Lord”- the design is installed next to “Hearts of the Fathers” and will complete the windows visitors and members see when coming into the Sanctuary from Liberty School Road.
While completing work on the current window install some frame repair work was completed in anticipation of future windows and structural integrity of the current window panes, along with some staining touch-ups in the Sanctuary. We have a great group of volunteers at Liberty UMC!

If you want to really appreciate the scale of work involved in producing each one of the beautiful works of art that make up the windows in the series, a copy of the pattern master for the lower three window panels is available for viewing during the monthly tour on the second Saturday of each month. During the early production stages of work a full-size pattern is taped over the existing window panels in order to check the image sizing and give both members and visitors a glimpse of the future, just a snapshot.
The future…
Interested in what the future holds? Initial plans for the remaining windows are outlined HERE.