“He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers.”
Malachi 4:6
Completed and installed in 2014, this is the first window on the left of the Sanctuary annex and the third window in the design series, a father and young daughter enjoying being out in God’s wonderful world. Perhaps she’s running to clasp his hand on their way to church.
The cross beam intersection image is a simple book. It may call to mind the Bible. Perhaps it represents Methodist history in the writings of John Wesley. There are no marks on the pages, so we could even imagine musical notes, traces of the remarkable legacy of music from John’s brother, Charles Wesley, the poet and preacher.
“Being a Methodist I like to think of the feast, the potluck, where all the churches gather in community. What do we bring to that feast? For Methodists that’s the song at Easter time, not just Methodists, but Christians around the world sing, ‘Christ the Lord is Risen Today.’ And Christmastime, churches around the world sing ‘Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.’ Even Charlie Brown sings it. Right? That’s our gift.”
Dale Patterson, United Methodist Commission on Archives and History
Want to learn more about Charles Wesley? Enjoy this short video, Charles Wesley’s Gift of Music from UMC.org (Link here)